Modification of the final grade of the runway. Project modifications was needed to eliminate the “sag” over 1,000,000 cubic yards of on-site rock was blasted and excavated from the west side of the project and placed toward the middle of the runway. An additional 280,000 cubic yards of rock was used to finish the north buttress. An on‐site crusher produced 170,000 tons of select fill and runway base from onsite materials.
A large multi‐plate culvert extending over 350 feet long and 25 feet high was installed across the middle of the runway to provide easy access across the runway. Over 200,000 cubic yards of shale was excavated from the east side of the project and placed as embankment fill for a large apron on the south side of the runway. The old runway was removed and recycled back as P‐207 base course for the runway shoulders. The new runway was paved using an on‐site asphalt hot plant with one 4 inch lift.
- Geotechnical
- Environmental
- Civil Engineering
- Pavements Engineering
- Surveying
- Construction Management
- Laboratory Testing
- Materials Field Testing
- Special Inspections
- Specialty Labs
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Calibration Services
- Binder & Emulsions
- Concrete Petrography
For more information and to discuss a potential partnership, please request a quote on your project and we will get back to you shortly.
We look forward to speaking with you.